Many users of UI Foundations Kit would rather continue with an existing project, and carry over the best pieces of UI Foundations Kit into their own theme.

This guide will help you walk through the key differences between the base MUI theme and the UI Foundations Kit theme, and how to merge your project with the base one provided with purchase.

This can generally be summed up as copying over the theme.ts file and replacing the ThemeProvider with the one provided by UI Foundations Kit, but it may also mean extending bits of your own theme instead.

Additive Changes

Instead of replacing how functionality from the base MUI theme, UI Foundations Kit is additive and extends the base MUI theme.

This means that you can easily add features from UI Foundations Kit and let them live alongside your own components and features with little to no conflicts. The following are some of those changes:

Many of these additive changes are relied on by Kit components and the base template, so copying components into your own project will require porting each behavior for full compatibility.

TypeScript Augmentation

In the TypeScript version of the Kit, there are a few places where UI Foundations Kit extends the base MUI defaults, these are:

  • Typography: to add utilities familiar to those used to strategies like Tailwind or Chakra UI like 2xs, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, etc.
  • Colors: which add several Tailwind compatible color palettes to the theme, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, fuchsia, violet, gray, with more easily added. You’ll find these declarations in the theme.ts file that add to the default types.


Instead of the base MUI icons, UI Foundations Kit uses Tabler icons via react-icons.

A few defaults are set in the theme.ts file to improve the base look of components like checkboxes and radio buttons, but for the most part the icons are imported and used where needed.

However, this means that integrating the theme into your own project will require installing the react-icons package or removing these overrides.

Component Defaults

MUI allows customization of components via the components prop on the ThemeProvider. UI Foundations Kit includes many adjustments for base components like Button, TextField, and Select to make them more consistent with the kit and feel more modern.

These can be ported over by copying over the contents, or merging component styleOverrides and defaultProps from the Kit’s theme.ts file with any you’ve set yourself.

Global Styles

Finally, UI Foundations Kit includes a few global styles to improve the look of the base layout components, including:

  • body: Sets a minHeight
  • focus outlines using focusVisible: to use a box shadow instead of a border
  • universal box sizing: to use border-box as a nicer default for all elements

These can be ported over by copying over the contents from global.ts in the Kit, or merging with your own global styles.

Unused or Discouraged features

UI Foundations Kit also avoids using a few features of MUI to keep things consistent. With the MUI components being extensive enough to bend however you want, UI Foundations Kit avoids allowing you to use multiple different ways to style the same components. This means there are a few cases to be aware of that are discouraged to maintain a consistent look:

Avoid labels on TextField components: MUI allows labels to be defined as a prop of the TextField component, but UI Foundations Kit uses labels via the FormLabel component instead. It also often uses FormControl and the more low level FilledInput component instead:

// Discouraged
<TextField label="Hello" />

// Encouraged
  <FilledInput />

Prefer filled varaints on inputs: MUI allows inputs to be set to outlined or filled variants, but UI Foundations Kit uses filled by default. This means that you’re encouraged to use the filled variants on all form inputs:

// Discouraged
<TextField variant="outlined" />

// Encouraged
<TextField variant="filled" />

Avoid style props: UI Foundations Kit avoids using the style props like fontSize on components like Box and Container to enforce consistency. Instead, it uses the sx prop, which is a more powerful and flexible way to style components.

In MUI v6, this became the default for all components, so this is less of an issue in up-to-date setups.
// Discouraged
<Box fontSize="sm" />

// Encouraged
<Box sx={{ fontSize: 'sm' }} />

Sample Migration

For help integrating in your own project, you can refer to this sample repository that demonstrates the steps to copy and replace a ThemeProvider in a simple project:

UI Foundations Kit Sample Migration


Differences between MUI v5 and v6

MUI v6 introduced a few changes that may affect how you integrate the UI Foundations Kit if you wish to integrate with a project that is still on v5.

UI Foundations Kit is built against MUI v6, so if you are using v5 you will need to make some changes, it is recommended that you upgrade to v6 for the best experience.


MUI v6 stabilized the experimental CssVarsProvider which was merged into it’s main ThemeProvider. This means that there are a few new props to be aware of that are documented in their migration guide.

If you are still working on a MUI v5 project, be sure to be aware of the following:

  • extendTheme is now createTheme
  • CssVarsProvider is now ThemeProvider
  • the cssVariables prop only exists on the v6 provider, and the experimental v5 CssVarsProvider